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  2. Short-Form Video Masterclass

Short-Form Video Masterclass

Did you know that 40% of U.S. travelers aged 30+ prefer TikTok over Google as a search tool when researching travel?* 🧐

Savvy destination marketing organization (DMO) teams know that their social media strategies from five years ago won’t cut it in 2024. Audiences’ insatiable appetite for on- demand, vertical video and the new short-form video platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts require a whole new playbook.

Unlock the secrets to captivating your audience with bite-sized content in our destination masterclass on Short-Form Video, exclusively for travel marketers.

In this email series, we’ll cover:
🚀 Learn What to Post and When
🎵 Master Short-Form Video Audio
📈 Navigate Trends vs. Evergreen Content
🔄 Repurpose Content for Maximum Impact

Our social experts packed everything you need to know about short-form video in four email-based lessons delivered straight to your inbox.

Sign Up for the Masterclass