1. Masterclasses
  2. Creator Relationship Management Masterclass

Creator Relationship Management Masterclass

81% of the destination marketers we surveyed have seen an increase in engagement on social media through UGC*. What are you doing to optimize? 🤔

Trying to post engaging content 5X per week on multiple channels AND run a smart strategy? 😵‍💫 Outsourcing some content creation gets you out of the cockpit and into the control tower where you can keep a pulse on metrics and make informed decisions that truly deliver on your marketing objectives.

As social algorithms become more sophisticated than ever, now’s the perfect time to reorient your social strategy.

This FREE masterclass will enable you to:

😍 Find creators that are a perfect match for your destination
✅ Produce the most engaging, authentic content possible
🤑 Not get rinsed by influencer fees!

PLUS! You’ll also get a BONUS PDF checklist that will keep you on track throughout the year.🤯

*source: 2024 Trends Report, CrowdRiff

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